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Looking to have your current web content spruced up? Need blog posts to bring traffic to your site? I write content that quickly shows potential customers why they should do business with you. 


We tend to think we are selling a product or service, but it is the person, the mission, behind the business that really "sells" the product to the customer. When I write content, I give the readers the details they need in a voice that represents the soul, so to speak, of the business. 




I write compelling titles that entice potential customers to click on your content, without resorting to clickbait-type wording that may put customers off.


The copywriting techniques I use deliver information in a highly readable and motivating format. I put the most important words and ideas on display for maximum impact.


I format all content with SEO in mind because it is such a powerful tool for attracting people to your site.


Blog Posts

When writing blog posts, I always choose a new topic or present an old topic in a new way, so I can provide valuable content that will get you noticed! No rewrites and no more cookie-cutter holiday posts.


About The Copywriter

About Me 

Lara Rouse freelance content writer

Writing has always been a part of who I am, so it seemed natural, though a little scary, when I decided 4 years ago to dive into freelance writing. So far, my work has involved a lot of ghostwriting and web content on a wide range of topics. The most important thing to me in any work that I do is to write content that benefits the world in some way, either because I am supporting a cause, informing someone, or helping a small business owner achieve their dream. 



Tidbits About My Work

  • I recently wrote my first press release and book trailer script!

  • It is important to me to imagine what questions a reader will have when visiting a website or blog.

  • My best work comes from a rich background of information on a company, so I have created a questionnaire to help clients provide me with the information that I think readers will want to know.

  • I used to design websites, so I tend to plan my content with the website's layout in mind.





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